Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Eb Chord

I've been fairly lazy over Xmas with practicing and so there isn't much to update.

It seems my fingers got a bit fatter over Xmas and now I had some issues getting the C Chords down without dulling strings.

Anyway, after a few rounds of CAGED and a finger spider thing I decided to be hardcore and see if I could find the Smoke on the Water rif but in chords.

Yeah, this was about the time I discovered the Eb chords.

Seriously... wtf?

No idea how to stretch out the fingers to all their positions and press hard enough AND not dull any other strings.

After battleing with this chord for 5min and starting to sweat a bit I decided that will do for today.

Damn you Eb chord!!!


  1. How you getting on now man? just found your blog and read the whole thing through, your first videos about changing chords and practicing smoke on the water made me feel better because about a year ago i tried to learn guitar, i was practicing "House of the Rising Sun" it's a really nice song to play and quite easy once you get used to changing chords and you only use three chords IIRC, and they are all pretty close together, A(or Am), D, E i think... but i gave up after a couple of months because i just couldn't keep myself motivated, so im rooting for you on this project of yours mate because i can tell by listening to your stuff now that i WAS on the right track and shouldn't have sold my guitar.. maybe i'll try drums but anyhow i'm gonna bookmark this blog and check in on you from time to time, hang in there and keep practicing you'll make it!

  2. Hey Jim,

    Yeah I'm getting through it. Motivation is an issue but I am determined to learn the guitar.

    Couple take a while though because I don't want to try and force myself to learn, I just pick it up when I'm in the mood and randomly play.

    I've been trying a song I like by Arctic Monkeys recently. From the Ritz to the Rubble, there is a nice easy guitar 2 bit so I'm learning that with chords.

    Cheers mate!

  3. Hey man no worries, i think thats where i fell down with this venture, forcing myself to play and it became like when your a kid and you HAVE to go to school so i said screw it, i know that song it's not half bad, should give you some nice practice work with your chords

    all the best!
