Thursday, April 26, 2012


Monday, February 14, 2011


HEY! Bet you've all figured I'd given up since I haven't posted in a while.

Well, you'd be wrong... (mostly) :)

I have been a bit slack the last few dasy/weeks/month... :(

But, I did decide to do a quite video today, those of you who are arctic monkey fans may recognise it.

In other news, I move house this last week. During the move I made the mistake of leaving my guitar with my dad over night, when I got it back he'd "tuned" it for me... so I had to re tune it. :)
Well, that's about it for now.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Still Trucking

Just thought I would post something as it's been a bit of time.

Just thought I would assume people that my guitar has not yet been banished to being a nice decoration! :)

I couple times a week I like to get on it and strum a few chords, practice that Artic Monkeys guitar 2 riff, etc.

I have been neglecting my Smoke on the Water practic though... might give it a quick once over now...

*Elevator music*

Yep, no surprises there. Not practicing something doesn't make you magically better at it. :)

Anyway, keep sending your positive energy my way to keep me motivated!

Cheers and out!

I promise I will eventually get around to posting another vid at some point soon. Been busy with work and then lately and only been practicing with the guitar unplugged so as to not waste time setting up.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Eb Chord

I've been fairly lazy over Xmas with practicing and so there isn't much to update.

It seems my fingers got a bit fatter over Xmas and now I had some issues getting the C Chords down without dulling strings.

Anyway, after a few rounds of CAGED and a finger spider thing I decided to be hardcore and see if I could find the Smoke on the Water rif but in chords.

Yeah, this was about the time I discovered the Eb chords.

Seriously... wtf?

No idea how to stretch out the fingers to all their positions and press hard enough AND not dull any other strings.

After battleing with this chord for 5min and starting to sweat a bit I decided that will do for today.

Damn you Eb chord!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Switch positions... OH yeah... ;)

Oh, haven't posted up much for a bit so I figured I would give an update.

I have to admit this week I have slacked off with the practicing guitar thing... actually, I've just plan slacked off!

No practice, no guitar, I think it's my mind and body going into Xmas mode.

Anyway, picked up the ol'six string today and have a strum.

Still remembered the C A G E D chords which is good to see. Plus my fingers seem to be building up the extra skin nicely and they are not sore at all after the session.

So today I just did the standard chords, some spider exercises, a big of Deep Purple and then decided to try playing standing up with the guitar on the strap.


Isn't this a whole new kettle of fish! Had some issues getting the fingers on the right stings and so on but had it going in the end.

Tomorrow arvo I'll see about making a quick video of my progress.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Not much news...

Hey peeps, thought I would give a brief update on progress.

Still practising chords, I need to develop my coordination more so I can change from one chord to another quickly. I tried to play along to a song just using A D E and was really struggling. The song is just playing each of these chords 4 times and then switching to the next.

Seemed easy enough on paper, but apparently this is not the case. So I will need to practice this more.

I think for practice, I will use the C A G E D chords and play each 4 times.

On the up side, apart from barre chords my fingers are behaving well lately, but need to get them moving around faster.

No clips this time as the wouldn't be much different from the last ones.

Cheers n out!

\oo/        \oo/

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Expanding the Repatwa...

So, did a bit of practice on chords today although the fingers are still pretty sore from the other night.

The tips feel numb until I touch them when it feels like I have a spinter in each finger... not an awesome feeling.

On the plus side, I figure that since I'm memorized the C A G E D chords, I can look to learning some other ones so when I practice I've got the most diverse range to train my fingers with.

I'm using this chord chart:

I think this is also the chart that I will end up printing out and popping on the wall, it should keep me busy for a while.

It's still taking me about 1-3 seconds to get my fingers into the correct positions when playing a chord. The particularly tricky ones from the C A G E D chords is the C and the G.

Out of this expanded chart, the B chords was driving me nuts! I have to get my hand on a really awkward angle to to get it right. F is also a bastard to get... in ANY of its variations.

So yeah, from here I just need to keep on practicing these chords and then I can start looking at playing something. I'm still practicing that Smoke on the Water intro sing tabs, but I've discovered there are more complex versions of it to explore.

I am still struggling to strum the right strings with the Smoke on the Water tabs as I'm either struming the A and D strings together and then the D and G strings together. I have to look at my strumming hand to make sure it's doing the right thing while at the same time the fretting fingers are on the right fret.

I need eye's like a chameleon!
