Saturday, January 8, 2011

Still Trucking

Just thought I would post something as it's been a bit of time.

Just thought I would assume people that my guitar has not yet been banished to being a nice decoration! :)

I couple times a week I like to get on it and strum a few chords, practice that Artic Monkeys guitar 2 riff, etc.

I have been neglecting my Smoke on the Water practic though... might give it a quick once over now...

*Elevator music*

Yep, no surprises there. Not practicing something doesn't make you magically better at it. :)

Anyway, keep sending your positive energy my way to keep me motivated!

Cheers and out!

I promise I will eventually get around to posting another vid at some point soon. Been busy with work and then lately and only been practicing with the guitar unplugged so as to not waste time setting up.
